The Forgivability Scale at Centro NAVE (Santiago, Chile). Photos by Fernanda Ruiz

Forgivability Scale (2019-23)interactive quilt

with Elif Cadoux, Sophie Goldberg, and Mia Massimino

shown at FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture (Baltimore, MD), The Tank (New York, NY), Centro NAVE (Santiago, Chile), Gylleboverket (Gärsnäs, Sweden), Silver Spring Black Box (Silver Spring, MD)

The Forgivability Scale is a performance research tool. The quilt depicts a double-sided arrow running between “Unforgivable” and “Easily Atoned.” It was created to accompany performances and workshops associated with Say You’re Sorry. Each time it was shown, participants were given a different question to prompt them to add their own experiences to the scale. It changes, sags, and ages with use.